News Stories
VIU’s Malaspina Theatre Hosts Winds of Change Art Exhibit
September 22, 2021
Featuring works by Stz’uminus First Nation artist Daniel R. Elliott, the exhibit explores the impacts of colonization and how healing can be achieved. Indigenous artist Daniel R. Elliott wants to take people on a healing journey. But first, he’s asking people to confront the history and impact of residential schools head on, and not look away. His paintings are on display in the Malaspina... Read more
VIU Professor Studies How Pandemic Affected Recreation Programming in the Yukon
September 14, 2021
Dr. Aggie Weighill is participating in a two-phase research project that aims to develop a more resilient, post-pandemic model of recreation delivery. How people view the role and importance of physical activity in the well-being and social togetherness of their community is a question that Vancouver Island University (VIU) Recreation and Tourism Professor Dr. Aggie Weighill is looking to answer... Read more
BC Government announces support for VIU-developed drug checking technology
August 17, 2021
Vancouver Island University (VIU) is excited to share the news that the provincial government is providing $305,000 for HarmCheck – a cutting-edge drug-checking technology that was developed at VIU. It uses high-throughput paper spray mass spectrometry to provide rapid drug-checking and can be used on-site as a harm reduction method. HarmCheck is a collaboration between VIU and the Victoria-based... Read more
Alum of the Month: Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun
July 15, 2021
Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun, graduated with a degree in Liberal Studies and Philosophy from VIU in 2018 with dreams of following his father and other family members into a career in Indigenous law. Right after graduation, he started a full-time job as Project Coordinator with Petroglyph Development Group, the economic development arm of Snuneymuxw First Nation, and soon started pursuing a... Read more
Queen Elizabeth Scholars from Tanzania Learn Lessons in Resilience
July 7, 2021
VIU Master of Sustainable Leisure Management graduates conducted their research remotely this year due to the pandemic. The three final international participants of Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) Queen Elizabeth Scholarship (QES) program will graduate this summer – marking the beginning of the final year of the program. After graduating from the College of African Wildlife Management in... Read more
Summer Camp Makes Transition to University Easier for Indigenous Students
June 22, 2021
The camp, which includes a blend of online and in-person activities, is organized by the VIU ‘su’luqw’a’ Community Cousins Aboriginal mentorship program. A free summer camp for Indigenous youth in Grades 7-12 will connect students with culture, build community and make the transition to university easier. The Thuy’she’num Tu Smun’eem: Building a Foundation for our Youth summer camp runs July 6... Read more
VIU Media Highlights: June 8 - June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021
A roundup of VIU students and employees in the news. News Stories Top Performing article for the last two weeks: Virtual Ceremony Officially Welcomes Judith Sayers as Vancouver Island University Chancellor. Based on VIU News Release; reach: 7.38 million people. Other stories Campbell River Mirror: Campbell River Baseballer Earns Scholarship. Brayden McClary, who has played with the... Read more
Building a University Where All Belong: VIU Chancellor Shares Her Vision with Community
June 17, 2021
VIU Chancellor Kekinusuqs, Dr. Judith Sayers, was formally bestowed with the duties of office in an online ceremony on June 17, 2021. Making university a place where all can explore, learn, innovate and excel equally, regardless of background or financial circumstances, is what Kekinusuqs, Dr. Judith Sayers, Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) third Chancellor wants to help build. “Historically... Read more
VIU Awards Honorary Degree to Award-Winning Medical Doctor and Actor
June 15, 2021
Dr. Evan Tlesla II Adams will receive his honorary doctorate at VIU’s virtual graduation celebration event on June 24. If there is one thing about his story that Dr. Evan Tlesla II Adams hopes Vancouver Island University (VIU) graduates will take to heart – it’s that it’s never too late to change directions and pursue a different passion in life. Adams, who is now the Deputy Chief Medical... Read more
VIU and Island School Districts Partner to Promote Education Savings Grants
June 14, 2021
Families are being encouraged to open a no-fee, no contribution required Registered Education Savings Plan to access federal and provincial grants. Vancouver Island, BC: Every year, Vancouver Island students miss out on millions of dollars in education savings grants from the provincial government because families don’t sign up to receive them. That’s why Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s)... Read more